Key takeaways
A majority now say the “worst is yet to come” in the pandemic for the first time since January of this year.
Republican governors are underwater on their handling of the pandemic, while President Biden and Democratic governors remain in the positive.
Notable cleavages in opinion exist between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, as well as between vaccinated and unvaccinated Republicans specifically.
For the First Time Since January of 2021, a Majority Say the “Worst Is Yet to Come” in the Pandemic
Democrats (55% “worst is yet to come”) and independents (57%) show the most pessimism about the state of the pandemic, compared to the 46% of Republicans who say the “worst is yet to come.”

Americans Are Increasingly Worried About the Delta Variant; Other Concerns Split By Partisanship and Vaccination Status
While Democrats, independents, and those vaccinated are most worried about the Delta variant, Republicans and those who are unvaccinated are most worried about a government overreaction hurting the economy.

For Those Who Got Vaccinated More Recently, Family Is the Top Reason
Out of the 12% who have gotten vaccinated “more recently,” 29% say they did it for family and/or loved ones, 16% did it because of school or work requirements, and 15% wanted to wait and see how initial rollout went.

Biden and Democratic Governors Are Above Water on Their Handling of the Pandemic While Republicans Are Underwater
Biden is at net +11 approval on his handling of the pandemic and Democratic governors are at net +7, while Republican governors are in the negative at net -1 on the pandemic.

Trump and Republicans Shoulder More of the Blame than Biden and Democrats for the Numbers of Unvaccinated Adults
Republicans drive the share who blame Biden and Democrats (33%), while independents blame Republicans more (31%).
Top Culprits for Growing Spread of Coronavirus Vary Greatly By Partisanship
For Democrats and independents, those who are unvaccinated and those who spread misinformation and conspiracies are most responsible; for Republicans, open borders, the media, and the CDC bear the most responsibility.
Majorities Oppose Governors Prohibiting Mask Mandates and Instead Agree With Pro-Mask Mandate Local School Officials
While 68% of unvaccinated Republicans agree more with Republican governors in states like Florida and Texas who want to prohibit mask mandates, just 46% of vaccinated Republicans agree.
About The Study
This release features findings from a national online survey of 1,001 registered voters conducted from August 12-August 16, 2021. 102 additional interviews were conducted among Hispanic voters. 66 additional interviews were conducted among Asian American and Pacific Islander voters. 101 additional interviews were conducted among African American voters. 100 additional interviews were conducted among independent voters.