Key takeaways from the survey
- With a majority now hearing about the “American Jobs Plan,” seven in ten support it.
- Bipartisan majorities support Biden’s stimulus checks and vaccine rollout, with Americans rating those as the two most important things he has done in his first 100 days.
- Three in four Americans approve of the jury’s decision to convict Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd, and two-thirds support the Justice in Policing Act.
“American Jobs Plan” Remains Broadly Popular
Seven in ten continue to support the “American Jobs Plan” once it is described, including nearly two in three independents and almost half of Republicans.

A Majority Are Now Hearing a “Lot” or “Some” About the “American Jobs Plan”
Since asked April 12th, there has been a 7-point increase in the share who are hearing “a lot” or “some.”
- The largest increase in awareness about the plan was among Black Americans (+21, from 49% to 70%).

Most Supported Policies From Biden’s First 100 Days: Shots, Checks, and Jobs
A majority of independents support each accomplishment tested from Biden’s first 100 days.
Vaccines, Checks, and Job Creation Are Seen as Most Important Biden Accomplishments of First 100 Days
Nearly two in five each across partisan and racial/ethnic groups say vaccines and checks are most important.

Biden and Congressional Democrats Are More Trusted Than Republicans On Wide Range of Issues
Among independents, Biden and Democrats are more trusted by double digits on providing relief, combatting the pandemic, racial justice, police accountability, and relations between police and the Black community.

Derek Chauvin Trial Dominating Media Coverage in Past Week
More than three in five across partisan lines report hearing “a lot” or “some” about recent news items including the trial of Derek Chauvin, recent mass shootings, vaccines, and the situation at the southern border.
- In an experimental split, while 55% report hearing “a lot” about 200 million doses of the vaccine being administered, just 46% say the same of hearing about 50% of adults receiving at least one dose.

Americans Overwhelmingly Agree With Guilty Verdict In Derek Chauvin Trial
Majorities across every major demographic group support the jury’s decision to hold Derek Chauvin accountable for the murder of George Floyd.

Two in Three Support the “Justice in Policing Act” to Increase Police Accountability
Among independents, 61% support the “Justice in Policing Act.”

Key takeaways from the focus groups
- President Biden’s approach and priorities—on infrastructure, Afghanistan, guns, and climate—are seen positively among many across our groups.
- But it is support for home health workers that animates respondents in all three states.
- And after hearing more information, respondents grow more favorable toward Biden’s record and agenda.
- Democrats and Republicans are more likely to agree on tax pay-fors than on having a conversation on race, policing, and the Chauvin verdict.
- Most across the board assume Republicans in Washington driven by politics, not policy.
Biden’s Record On Infrastructure, Guns, Afghanistan, & Climate Strike Many As Important
Discussion Of Support For Home Health Workers Animates All Three Groups
Learning About Biden’s Agenda Increases Support Among Both Democrats And Republicans
Pay-fors Like Taxing The Rich And Corporations Are Popular, Even With Republicans
Democrats Want Nation To Discuss Race And Policing, While Republicans Wonder If Race Can Be “Ignored”
Most Agree Republican Politicians Motivated By Politics, Not Policy, Suggesting Importance Of Midterms & Reforms
About The Study
This release features findings from a national online survey of 989 registered voters conducted April 22-26, 2021. Additional interviews were conducted among 101 Hispanic voters, 96 African American voters, 98 independents without a partisan lean, and 104 Asian American and Pacific Islander voters.
This release also features findings from online focus groups conducted on April 23, 2021 with voters in three states: Florida (Democrats who think the party should move in a more moderate direction or stay in the same direction), Texas (Republicans with a household income of <$75K and are neither very unfavorable toward Biden nor very favorable toward Trump), and Nevada (Democrats who think the party should move in a more progressive direction). Qualitative results are not statistically projectable.