- More than one in five Americans report having invested in cryptocurrency, while a majority of Americans have not nor know anyone who has invested in cryptocurrency.
- While the demographic profile of cryptocurrency investors is younger, more male, and less college-educated, their political profile is similar to the country overall.
- Cryptocurrency investors are net negative on Biden’s overall approval, but support his economic agenda, trust his judgment on nominating the next Supreme Court Justice, and believe he has made the right decisions on Ukraine.
More Than One in Five Americans Report Investing in Cryptocurrency
A majority of Americans are neither investors in cryptocurrency personally, nor do they know someone who has invested in cryptocurrency.
Cryptocurrency Investors Are Politically Similar to the Country Overall, But Identify Ideologically As More Liberal
While the whole public has a narrow 3-point conservative lean, cryptocurrency investors are more liberal than conservative by 11 points.
- • Bitcoin has a net +71 favorability rating among cryptocurrency investors but is net even overall (33% favorable/33% unfavorable).

Demographic Differences Between Cryptocurrency Investors and the Country: More Male, Younger, Racially Diverse, Parents
More than half of all cryptocurrency investors are men under the age of 55 years old; only 5% of all cryptocurrency investors are over the age of 65.
Cryptocurrency Investors More Positive About State of the Economy and Their Personal Financial Situation
While Americans overall are net negative about their personal financial situation by 11 points (43% confident/54% uneasy), cryptocurrency investors are narrowly net positive about their situation by 6 points (52% confident/46% uneasy).

Cryptocurrency Investors Nearly As Supportive As the Country Overall on Biden’s Economic Agenda, SCOTUS, and Ukraine
Cryptocurrency investors are net +38 supportive of Biden’s economic agenda, net +26 trusting of Biden’s judgment on nominating a new Supreme Court Justice, and net +6 on making the right decisions when it comes to the situation in Ukraine.
About The Study
This release features findings from national online surveys of 1,000 registered voters conducted March 3-7, 2022. Additional interviews were conducted among 100 Hispanic voters, 103 African American voters, 100 independents without a partisan lean, and 74 Asian American and Pacific Islander voters.