• Polling

Four in Five Americans View Climate Change As A Problem And Trust Democrats More to Address it

Friday, July 22, 2022 By Bryan Bennett
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Welcome to NAVIGATOR – a project designed to better understand the American public’s views on issues of the day and help advocates, elected officials, and other interested parties understand the language, imagery, and messaging needed to make and win key policy arguments.
Key takeaways
  • Four in five Americans believe the climate is changing and that climate change is a problem for Americans today.
  • Those who say that the weather in their community has changed are most likely to cite hotter temperatures and increased droughts and wildfires.
  • Biden and Democrats are more trusted than Republicans when it comes to protecting the environment and addressing climate change.

Half of Americans Agree Climate Is Changing Because of Human Activity and Even More Say It’s a Serious Problem

Four in five (80%) believe that the climate is changing, with 50% believing that change is mostly the result of human activity; only 12% of Americans believe climate change is “not a problem” for Americans today, driven by 24% of Republicans.

Almost Half Say Weather This Summer Different From Past Years

More than half of independents (55%) say this summer’s weather locally is different from summers past, up 12 points since last year.

• Among those who say their community’s weather is different, an increasing share cite more droughts (42%, up from 31% in July 2021), wildfires (35%, up from 31%), and tornadoes (22%, up from 15%).

Biden and Democrats Are Significantly More Trusted on Issues Related to the Environment Than Republicans

Among independents, Biden and Democrats are more trusted to protect the environment by 30 points and to address climate change by 23 points.

Democratic Rebuttals on Climate Change Are Effective, Especially When Framing Changes in Life Instead of Fatalities

More Americans agree with each of two Democratic responses on the severity of climate change over a Republican message about uncertainty around climate change and opposition to spending money to fight it; a message that focuses on climate change impacting American life – including homes and businesses – is more effective than one that focuses on casualties caused by extreme weather.



About The Study

Global Strategy Group conducted public opinion surveys among a sample of 1,002 registered voters from July 14-July 18, 2022. 108 additional interviews were conducted among Hispanic voters. 67 additional interviews were conducted among Asian American and Pacific Islander voters. 104 additional interviews were conducted among African American voters. 97 additional interviews were conducted among independent voters.

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About Navigator

In a world where the news cycle is the length of a tweet, our leaders often lack the real-time public-sentiment analysis to shape the best approaches to talking about the issues that matter the most. Navigator is designed to act as a consistent, flexible, responsive tool to inform policy debates by conducting research and reliable guidance to inform allies, elected leaders, and the press. Navigator is a project led by pollsters from Global Strategy Group and GBAO along with an advisory committee, including: Andrea Purse, progressive strategist; Arkadi Gerney, The Hub Project; Joel Payne, The Hub Project; Christina Reynolds, EMILY’s List; Delvone Michael, Working Families; Felicia Wong, Roosevelt Institute; Mike Podhorzer, AFL-CIO; Jesse Ferguson, progressive strategist; Navin Nayak, Center for American Progress Action Fund; Stephanie Valencia, EquisLabs; and Melanie Newman, Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

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