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Our research below provides messaging guidance for progressives to win key policy debates.

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Navigating the Broader Health Care Debate

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Americans hold increasingly favorable views of the ACA, increasingly unfavorable views of Trump’s handling of health care, and have very serious concerns about Republicans’ failures to protect health care coverage for those with pre-existing conditions.

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Scattershot President

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

As Americans report hearing about the President’s refusal to wear a mask and his claims of taking unproven drugs, Trump’s coronavirus approval remains low; Americans overwhelmingly support elected officials being required to wear masks and 2 in 3 disapprove of Trump not wearing a mask.

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Trump Attacks on Obama Aren’t Working

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Trump’s attacks on the Obama administration appear to be failing him as the public maintains general concerns about Trump’s blaming others, downplaying the threat, and ignoring experts, and Democrats in Congress continue to hold an advantage over Trump on trust to handle a number of issues related to the coronavirus pandemic.

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Toward a Safe Reopening

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

When it comes to reopening the economy, Americans say they trust Dr. Fauci and Democrats more than Trump and report concerns about their state opening too soon; the president’s approval on the coronavirus pandemic reaches another low in Navigator’s tracking.

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Mental Health Amidst the Pandemic

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Trump’s disapproval rating on handling the pandemic remains at its highest point; as strong concerns remain about the possibility of a “second wave,” there has been an uptick in the share saying the “worst is yet to come.”

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Americans Call Congressional GOP “Yes Men”

Friday, May 15, 2020

Trump’s disapproval rating hits a new high on handling the pandemic as Americans express concern by Congressional Republicans having voted to cut CDC funding prior to the pandemic and refusing to stand up to Trump.

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Waning Optimism Around Combatting Pandemic

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Governors retain higher approval ratings than Trump on handling the pandemic as a second wave of the pandemic continues to be a top worry for Americans, and a majority maintain concerns that social distancing will end too soon.

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Mask-Wearing Splits Republicans

Saturday, May 9, 2020

An increasing number of Americans say that they think the worst is yet to come regarding the pandemic; Republicans who wear a mask regularly hold different views on the nature of the crisis than those who do not.

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The Increasing Appetite for Government Role in Economy

Friday, May 8, 2020

As the public reports anxiety about the job market, Trump’s economic approval is on the decline; Americans say their greatest concern on the president’s economic response to the pandemic is stimulus money benefitting the wealthy instead of the people most in need.

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A Second Wave Tops Concerns

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Americans are deeply worried about a second wave of the pandemic, oppose a full reopening of the country but express openness to partially reopening their own community, and remain concerned by Trump putting lives at risk, downplaying the crisis, and failing to take responsibility.

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One Third of Americans Know Someone Infected

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

As Americans report hearing less from Trump on coronavirus, the public sees Congressional Democrats’ response to the pandemic as favoring the working class while Trump’s response favors the wealthy.

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Debating What is “Enough”

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Americans have misgivings about Trump’s initial response to the pandemic and have doubts he’s doing enough now amidst rising concerns social distancing will end too soon rather than go on too long.

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