
Navigator is frequently cited in the press for its instructive messaging guidance.

Biden’s $2 Trillion Infrastructure and Jobs Plan: Here’s Where the Money Would Go

Thursday, April 1, 2021

The plan faces opposition from a significant number of Republicans who say its price tag is unreasonable and some Democrats who say it isn’t far-reaching enough. Still, the White House is making the case that the plan has been largely supported by Americans, citing a poll by Navigator Research that found that 80% of Americans want to see job training programs for those displaced as a result of closed power plants and coal mines.

White House makes case for popularity of American Jobs Plan

Thursday, April 1, 2021

The document quotes a poll by the firm Navigator Research from earlier this month, which found that more than 80% of Americans support ideas such as: creating new job training programs for those left behind by closed coal mines and power plants; increasing funding for highway and bridge construction and repair; making more affordable childcare options accessible for all families; and expanding broadband internet access across the country.

McCarthy demands answers on school reopening. They’re in the American Rescue Plan.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Navigator Research found earlier this month that, by a 47% to 32% margin, more Americans trusted Biden and Democrats to make determinations about “how and when to reopen schools” than trusted Republicans to do so. Seventy-five percent of those surveyed sided more with those who want to make sure schools reopen “the right way for the safety of students” than with those who “want to reopen schools immediately.”

How Democrats can use Biden’s $1.9tn Covid relief to win the midterms

Sunday, March 21, 2021

There is still time for both parties to shape how Americans view the relief package. Despite the positive polling about the bill, a recent survey from the progressive firm Navigator Research showed a majority of voters say they know little to nothing about the legislation

Poll finds majority believes worst over from pandemic

Thursday, March 18, 2021

The survey from Navigator Research found that a majority of registered voters questioned said that they believe the worst is over, the first time more than 50 percent of respondents have reached that conclusion since the beginning of the outbreak.

Joe Donnelly: Why Congress should pass the American Rescue Plan

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Poll after poll shows this bill has clear bipartisan support. One poll from Navigator Research shows that 73% of Americans, including 53% of Republicans, support the bill. Another, from Morning Consult, shows that 76% of Americans, including 60% of Republicans, support it.