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Our research below provides messaging guidance for progressives to win key policy debates.

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How to Talk About Economic Recovery

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Americans think the economy is getting worse and support extending the extended unemployment benefits through at least the end of the year; most disapprove of Trump’s handling of the economic response to the pandemic

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Support for Protests Continues as Republican Tax Law Loses Favor

Friday, June 26, 2020

A Majority of Americans continue to support the protests following the death of George Floyd and a growing
number feel “engaged and interested in taking action”. An overwhelming majority say that taxing the wealthiest Americans and corporations would help with the economic recovery in the wake of the pandemic.

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How to Talk About the Justice in Policing Act

Friday, June 19, 2020

Americans want to see big changes in the way the police operate and there is broad support for a variety of policing reforms and the “Justice in Policing Act” in the House; Trump earns significantly lower favorability ratings than his predecessors as more see him as “self-absorbed.”

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An “Obamacare” Milestone

Friday, June 5, 2020

Trump’s handling of the economy hits a new low; a majority disapprove of his decision to withdraw from the World Health Organization; Democrats hold a trust advantage on issues related to the pandemic while a majority views the House-passed HEROES Act as appealing because it gets economic relief to those who need it most.

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Toward a Safe Reopening

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

When it comes to reopening the economy, Americans say they trust Dr. Fauci and Democrats more than Trump and report concerns about their state opening too soon; the president’s approval on the coronavirus pandemic reaches another low in Navigator’s tracking.

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Mask-Wearing Splits Republicans

Saturday, May 9, 2020

An increasing number of Americans say that they think the worst is yet to come regarding the pandemic; Republicans who wear a mask regularly hold different views on the nature of the crisis than those who do not.

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The Increasing Appetite for Government Role in Economy

Friday, May 8, 2020

As the public reports anxiety about the job market, Trump’s economic approval is on the decline; Americans say their greatest concern on the president’s economic response to the pandemic is stimulus money benefitting the wealthy instead of the people most in need.

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Economic Approval Reaches New Low

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Independents, people of color and older Americans give Trump low marks for his handling of the pandemic at a time when perception of the economy reaches new lows in our daily tracking and protests are doing little to sway overall public opinion on social distancing.

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Growing Concern About Reopening Too Soon

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Americans continue to trust state and local governments more than Trump; the public reports more comfortability interacting with friends if the country reopens soon rather than going to restaurants or large gatherings.

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