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Our research below provides messaging guidance for progressives to win key policy debates.

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Economic Approval Reaches New Low

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Independents, people of color and older Americans give Trump low marks for his handling of the pandemic at a time when perception of the economy reaches new lows in our daily tracking and protests are doing little to sway overall public opinion on social distancing.

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Growing Concern About Reopening Too Soon

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Americans continue to trust state and local governments more than Trump; the public reports more comfortability interacting with friends if the country reopens soon rather than going to restaurants or large gatherings.

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Americans Blame Trump for Lack of Testing and PPE

Friday, April 24, 2020

Trump’s behavior at press conferences continues to give the public a negative impression of his handling of the pandemic and think he should leave the briefings to health experts; Americans blame the president on testing and PPE shortages, while reporting broad support for expanding vote-by-mail this November.

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Widespread Support for Stay at Home Orders

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Americans support governors when it comes to stay-at-home orders instead of those protesting social distancing measures; Trump’s approval continues to decline as Americans worry about an economic recession.

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Trump Approvals Drop as Pandemic Continues

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Ratings of how Trump is handling the pandemic decline with fewer Americans viewing him as “serious” in his response, and most Americans continuing to prefer social distancing despite recent protests.

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Growing Disbelief About “Return to Normal”

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Trump’s approval ratings continue to drop as the share of Americans who know someone sick with coronavirus continues to grow. Most Americans support continued social distancing and believe life won’t return to normal for several months or more.

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On Trump’s Declining Approvals

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Americans are prioritizing health care over personal finances, but appear more split when it comes to public health and the national economy; Trump’s approval ratings continue to erode on a number of key issues.

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Fear of Economic Recession Grows

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

As the public reports serious concerns about the economy and loved ones getting sick from coronavirus, Americans across party lines trust Dr. Fauci to tell the truth when it comes to the pandemic.

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